i know thats the stuff I love turn up the music flow all about you the shinning all fucking mint tunes
class I'll have a looksy at those. my fav at the moment is Styles ft. Lisa Abbot - Getting Better and Euphoria - Silver Dawn
It would be a shame for things to not work out at Foundation, it's a great club and would hate to see it go down the pan! I'm suprised Soul Heaven didn't do well! The problem I think is that exactly what Casy has pointed out - theres nothing new, and people get sick of the same old. A proper Techno night could be very good! Quality, while it was a good night, and reasonably busy, didnt really pull a really big crowd...as mentioned, the hard house scene in Newcastle is poor to say the least. I think one problem that may be had is that some of the "Promise Big Boys" absolutley dismiss any comments that are negative and are they are basically told to fuck off. This I think is not a good attitude, at the end of the day, we are the punters! I know its been hammered time and time again, but why not TRY lowering the prices?! A few quid less entry could get a hell of a lot more people in, and generate more money at the bar aswell as on the door. Better NUS discounts would also be good, cos in fairness, £1 off is a poor effort! And with so much competition now, I feel some nights are genuinely overpriced and I do think this will put people off as they can go elsewhere, have just as good/better night, and pay less! Alas, i'm just going to get the usual response to pricing My 2 cents anyway.
aye its the new hixxy remix, and yes u do still get some cheese but its nowhere as bad as what it was!
Absolutley! No real reason not to give it a go. I dont know anything about the hardcore scene..but will there be enough "non charver" hardcore fans to fill foundation? Probably a rediculos question, but still a valid one!
you probs right there will be a lot of charvers, not sure really I like it but most of my mates think its proper shit and laugh at me for listening, my flaymate little dave would go he loves it like I do.
There will be quite a few chavas there as there is at promise when any radio 1 dj is on but if it fills the club
I think there would be - all of the charvs now go to ikon or the monkey for their cheesy shit , while most of the hardcore fans have grown wiser and basically moved on to different things because the hardcore scene in the northeast has turned into what it has - eg spanish makina shit, if there was a hardcore night on at foundation, all that be needed to be done is to keep makina away thus there would be less little scroats to cause bother
also i know you cant keep the charva's away but you would definatly see a major decrease in their attendances leaving the 'real fans' of the music to carry on and enjoy the night - might as well give it ago if other nights arent pulling in the crowds, not much too lose then is there?
aye, theres been alot of debates about how much hardcore dj's charge for a nights work (1 hour basically) and it turns out that its about £500 - £1000 for a high end dj like scott brown or hiixy etc - these names do draw big crowds wherever they play, and a packed club with 2 big names on plus a few ressies would equal a hell of a profit for foundation - e.g howmany times have they paid a big jock from the house or trance scene to play only for the place to be half full and only just manage to scrape a proffit? once a month for hardcore would be ideal