king unique - sugarhigh fekin hell!its been out4 ages, i dont hav decks but i mite hav2 buy it anyway its that gud!file along side LRD thin white duke mix of silver screen shower scence! tremendous!
God that tune is fantastic (Thin White Duke Mix of 'Silver Screen') Searched all over for that and I can't find it I have a whole list I'm searching for and I can't find any of it anywhere
its amazin init!+its been out 4aages!i meant2 put that post as a new thread last nite, but was a bit drunk so itl hav2 stay here!neva mind!
Has it? Thought the LRD Thin White Duke Mix was part of the new mix package? Orig has been out a while like. First release on City Rockers. They started as they meant to go on...