They are 1 and 10 but I think voting has stopped now as no more are added on and the scores havn't changed for ages. Think the poster was the final so chasing up the dosh form the tight fisted gits
the cyprus army boys are going love you if its full frontal on the sandy beaches. They are one hell of a set to be proud of. A funny story for you when in was at r1 big weekend a lad i was with was taking a random photo and i asked him what he was taking it of as it looked to be of absolutely nothing in the crowd then he pointed at the pic and i relaised he had zoomed in on your "whatever you call them" but I didnt realise till later he had zapped that "nuts natalies assess my breast" breasts as i didnt know who natalie nuts breasts was til much later. if that makes any sense!!? I'll not tell you who it was, maybe you can guess ps he used to like boobs apparently
university of.. stoke? are you sure? most companies will not even invite you to apply unless you have a 2:1 or 18+ points at a-level...
Depends in what industry. When we look at CV's we tend to look for people that have some charachter & personality not just top grade students that are book worms & scout masters.
2:2 and 6 points me. Yet had no problem getting a job straight from Uni, beating people off my course with firsts and 2:1's to every job i tried for. And most of them had 3 times my A-level points.
I dont interview people or owt like that, but i can see when my bosses are talking about it, before and after interviews, or just looking through CV's. The things they are looking for are far more to do with personality, and whether the person would 'fit in' and 'be a good laugh on nights out'. They almost never mention grades.
This is in danger of morphing into "will university get you a good job " thread from years ago but in my experience and I have worked for about 4 different companies over the last 10 years since leaving UNI... stuff like ACCOUNTANCY & LAW companies look for people with "x" number of a-level points and a certain class of degree whereas stuff where you need more creativity like IT, science, general business etc I would say as long as you get a honours degree from a decent university and are a good character you will do all right. I wont mention who i work for but it is a fuckin huge multinational but recently they seem to have been going more for people who will fit into the team then out and out boffins with 1st class degrees and no idea of life. Having said that if you want to improve your company you gotta be going for a certain number of the academic elite FACT is the graduate market is saturated these days but apparently there is a shortage of chemists it said on the news last night so in 5 - 10 years time I will be laughing I predict NOW BACK TO NATS CHEBSKIS
depends where you go to uni. in some universities north of the border and I think northumbria used to do this to, only people of a certain standard got to progress onto the honours course BSc (Hons) which was more difficult, whereas the others did a straight forward non honours - ordinary degree. I went to Nottingham and everyone was put forward for the honours course - but it basically went like this 1st class honours - like an A 2:1 honours -like a B 2:2 honours -like a C 3rd honours - like a D pass degree - non honours -ordinary degree tHING IS A LOT OF PLACES SHORTEN THE DEGREE TITLES so sometimes when it says BSC is could mean BSC honours who knows generally a BSc (Bachelor of Science with honours) HONS is more well recognised that a run of the mill BSC but hey at the ned of the day a degree is a degree I used to have a degree in stock replenishment when I was 16 (THATS shelf filling to you) I am amazed a got a 2.1 as it was the rave days and it was 24hr party people in notty & derby those days
i'm not talking about top grade students, you can have all the personality in the world but with out a the specified grades most grad schemes ask for you won't get a sniff.. would you take on some one with great character and great grades or someone with great character and a middle of the road degree?
all degrees start with honours, the only way you can graduate without is if you fail a year, in which case they make you take an extra year p/t...
once they been invited to interview I view it as a level playing field I would say grades + personality + good experience is a winner me bro didnt do a degree , is a jammy little fucker , mint at IT and is earning 4 grand more than me, work that out??? BUT if you got decent grades + great personality, are a women with nice tits, flirt a little with interviewer who probabaly is twice your age and aint getting much action at home these days, wear a shortish skirt i would say you can get almost anywhere in life (I say this from observable experience)
NOT ALL DEGREE START WITH HONOURS!!! you have lived in a small world if you believe that. you can actually go and do an ordinary degree (without honours)
When I went to Uni in 1997 your first 3 years were your BSc and the final year gave you the honours That was in Scotland
THaNK YOU IN THE WORDS OF ramirez, THIS HIGHLANDER IS WHAT THEY CALL "THE QUICKENING" you'll probably sample this now and use it in your sets no doubt