I know of plenty of lads who have treat lasses like absolute shite - swings both ways, just depends whether the lad or the lass is an arsehole or not. It's shit that anyone could treat another person badly, no matter if they're lad, lass, tranny or hamster.
sorry to hear that paul, you need to concentrate on yourself for a while, not as in be selfish, just as in take some time for you, do what you want to do, keep in contact with your mates and keep yourself busy. Although things are probably still raw at the moment, which will heal in time, you still need people around you because going from the support of a relationship (and your probably still hurt from your ex deep down) to nothing can be hard. Mates are the best thing to keep your head above water, keep you sane, make you laugh, listen, keep you busy. See if you can't turn this into a positive somehow, try going to the gym to fill up your time, or join a class or go bowling, do something you havent before and hopefully, things won't be on your mind so much good luck chick
Happened to me mate before Xmas ! I walked round for a few weeks with my head up my Arse, then suddenly realised nothing is that bad to make me feel like this! It's hard bud but you just got to get over it asap coz if you keep feeling sorry for ya sell it just gets worse! Chin up mate
bad crack made went throw some of that shit last year my fiancee compleatly fucked me over mate didnt get no reasons on why she left me but the night she left me was fucking crash bang out of the blue my mam took us out for dinner in newcastle had great time she even said she loved me on sevral ocassion's over dinner then she had to go to work she kissed me said she loved me then i got a phone call saying she wasnt coming bacl after work she was going to her brothers then she rang me after her brothers to dump me toatley out of the blue no reasons apart from she dont love her self so she cant love anyone else ,this was bout 10 months ago found out nyd thats she now living in scotland and about to drop women they the worst at breken up if she had have just said she was leaving me for someone else it would have been easier in long run instead of me hoping for months that we could have getting back together bitch:evil:
in all honesty, i think i put this thread up so i could read it back to myself and try and understand it, but i been well surprised in the replies, thanks everyone, good to know im not the only one who has this shit!!!!!! some sound advice as well for the record, shes been in touch tonight and just wants a cpl dyas to herself to sort her head out then see how she feels so there maybe light at the end of the tunnel yet
cool mate just dont go in with eyes closed mate if she does want ya back hope all works out for ya bud