The future of trance in Newcastle?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by magicpaul, Feb 7, 2005.

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  1. Katie

    Katie Registered User

    May 8, 2003
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    Whitley Bay
    I dont think its really trance, its more the clubbing that goes with it. A lot of people still love it but they just dont have anywhere as good as they used to to go and listen to it!!

    Crasher..I mean what the hell is with the line-ups recently..and your so right about godskitchen and sugarshack etc..

    Ive never been really really bothered about Trance anyway, its not my favourite thing to listen to, but its a shame about gatecrasher and other clubs that have gone down recently..
  2. yeahBUTnoBUT

    yeahBUTnoBUT Banned

    Jan 9, 2005
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    every youth movement has a life cycle and the fact dance has been around for about 15-20 years , obviously people are going to move onto soemthing new.

    obviously it wont ever die completley but it'll morph into other forms
  3. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    good arguement - this seems to be happening everywhere too - not just newcastle.

    our 'road trip' to the Cube Club in Spenny - a captive audience (there was nowhere else to go!) - Lee foster, richard tulip & the thrillseekers - AND ONLY £4 to get into the ONLY (almost) club in town on a saturday night - but after talking to the chaps - they said every other weekend it's a 'comercial disco' type affair and it's HEAVING - yet this night was only 30% full - and 4 people dancing...

    it's the state of play at the moment
  4. yeahBUTnoBUT

    yeahBUTnoBUT Banned

    Jan 9, 2005
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    hence the reason the only way to go is host your parties in medieval castles. Take a bit finding the right venue but when there nowt else in the area we are onto a winner

    :eek: :lol: :lol: :wink:
  5. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    lol .... i didnt say tell him to do that, im just saying if it were commercial music in newcastle it would be rammed.

    Thats my outlook on it all. But then the pub wouldnt need a promoter to host an event, simply a resident DJ on friday and saturday nights.

    The newer generation of clubbers (who listen to judge jules etc) that are coming through think only of judge jules, ferry corsten etc as trance heroes...hence the reason why Promise is packed when these people are booked. This new young generation (which vuzz should be targeting if it is only trance you are promoting) wont even know who Goldenscan is. They havent been educated yet. Its like half those young uns that go to the Arena for Godskitchen probably dont know who the better trance DJs are, but go because if you havent noticed, Jules, Ferry and the more popular mainstream people have been booked. But they will dance to the likes of Jon O bir even tho they dont realise hes a rising star.

    The more experienced of trance clubbers in the area have and are still moving onto other things, other genres, bored of it or simply getting old - like me lol

    Target the young blood, thats my advice, problem is, you cant afford the big guns to get them in.... why not try getting one big gun for one night only to attract the younger generation, that way they will at least then get to know about the event. Then might come back again next time even tho a big gun isnt playing. just a thought.
  6. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Fizz - What was Dance Park going to be? I take it your not doing it anymore.
  7. TheSpence

    TheSpence Registered User

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Everyone will download sets from
  8. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    oh aye still doing it. Just its at bottom of the list at the moment. You will find out soon enough. cant spill the beans just yet.
  9. LeeTheMackem

    LeeTheMackem Lets Cacky Tash Him

    Aug 8, 2004
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    its gutting but true...

    to go to the real big trance events requires a lot of money and travelling...

    trance is more alive in other parts of the country but still is not as big as it was...

    to be honest though music wise 2004 was much better than 2002, 2003 and theirs some decent tracks being released this year so just seems the numbers arent turning out anymore :cry:
  10. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i won't leave it... it grew along with me... it'll never die.

    i'll be larging it to carte blance and dreamland at my 70th!
  11. yeahBUTnoBUT

    yeahBUTnoBUT Banned

    Jan 9, 2005
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    everything changes, nothing ever stays the same

    I tell you what tho. Fizz speaks so much sense I might get him on board for future party adventures. He's a canny good dj too.

    Seeing as he dont look to be appearing at Twisted too much these days

  12. magicpaul

    magicpaul Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    in my lil magic office....
    I don't think our line ups could be any better to be honest.

    And we've had some cracking nights last year so we must be doing something right! :)

    I am genuinely shocked at Saturday night can't get my head around what went wrong!!
  13. David Lee

    David Lee Dexter's Apprentice

    May 18, 2004
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    IMO ... if everyone who turned up for the event had a good night then i think its JOB WELL DONE .. to me it doesnt matter how many people turn up as long as a good night is provided to those who do .. i can remember playing to a room of 6 people .. they were all enjoying themselves though so i was pleased .. :D

    On the other side of it though .. if you have lost money on the event it does get to you .. at the end of the day though you lose some and you gain some .. ;)

    Good Luck for future events though .. :D
  14. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    i agree bud, i havent been along myself cos as you know trance doesnt take my fancy, pints are cheap enough, probably my main attraction, but id rather go where the banter is good, where its not all about what latest track youve just bought, or downloaded, and what set you have heard me it just gets all a bit boring. Some people are too serious these days. Plus you dont find many single women in the underground clubs ;)

    Maybe the clientele you are wanting to attract is those that are educated, who DJ themselves whether up and coming or not. Problem is, these people are already wanting or hosting small nights themselves, or because they are educated are attending Shindig/Promise instead...and would rather keep their money for the bigger nights.
  15. yeahBUTnoBUT

    yeahBUTnoBUT Banned

    Jan 9, 2005
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    if you are running more regularly than promise which is very well established then you are going to have good and bad weeks.
    JAN, FEB even march will all be slower than APRIL MAY and the summer and Autumn.
    a large amount of your base are also promise preclubbers too so being on a saturday its going to take a little while for them to move over to a saturday.

    fizz hits nail on head with women tho.

    minge = number throught he door.

    I'd rather be looking at a fit blonde than a trainspotter in a windrunner

    :eek: :lol: :wink:
  16. Guest

    I think Paul and Scruf are the only people talking any sense in this thread....

    Who the fuck thinks that the scene is dead!! all it is is that people move on and develop new tastes!!

    Small nights are usually the best ones, look at nice which has been going for 10+ years now and is full every saturday at the stage door.... all it takes is time and effort and been able to adapt to trends and have some commen sense. Vuzz will be fine because your willing to put the time and effort in to it.
  17. Luke

    Luke Registered User

    Feb 2, 2004
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    In the studio
    saturday was a bit gutting, it was busier to the end when it was just marty, me + andy hames on.

    there was people there, just loads left for the dig when before tom even started which was a right shame coz his set was fuckin fantasic imo.

    i thought 2004 was a bloody awful year for trance, the only really good tunes were the ones at the start of the year from the 03 insurgance.

    some of the releases ive seen + heard for 05 are much better than last year imo and 2005 will be a far stronger year for trance... or at least i hope so

    edit: it seems to me that a lot of people have moved on, their musical pallette has changed somewhat and left trance from the glory 98-00 days. there is a lot of people interested in it, it's just harder coz you have dj sammy in the chart now instead of the likes of lizard, out of the blue, communication, follow me, dont give up
  18. fizz

    fizz Registered User

    Jan 9, 2002
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    totally agree for once with jambonce, i never said scene was dead, just like you said..people move me. I just think in my honest opinion that maybe Vuzz (because they are only targeting trance) should still be monthly, give it a lot of time, success doesnt come in one year. When we say it takes time, we are talking years not months. Maybe the expectations or the promoters are too high at the moment.... too quick too soon, doesnt work!
  19. B.O.B.

    B.O.B. Registered User

    Jan 30, 2002
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    Nice used to be a relatively big night (in terms of recognition, DJs etc). It had some seriously shit years and has just managed to get everything back together. It seems to have found its niche again (thank god), in a smaller club without trying to get the big name DJs on.
  20. Guest

    what do you think of it now?

    ovbiously it will never match shots but i think its getting going again?

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