exactly. hating a nation only seems wrong in some peoples eyes when they cant see why. would you have been called racist for hating nazi germany during the 40's???
my thoughts exactly. they didnt want to join for fear missing out on more money. however you see on films like pearl harbour where they have the president pleading to go to war cos britain needs them. pure arseholism in its purest form. i cant wait for this new tom cruise film about the battle of britain. it will just increase my resolve ten fold.
Is it cOoL to hate America now? What u don't realise is that we would most likely b speaking german if it wasn't for these guys!!
lmfao i know. the fact is britain alone stopped the invasion by itself (with help from a few different nationality pilots), a little known battle called the battle of britain. it really does boil my piss too when yanks say they "saved our asses twice". it was known later that germany were about to invade the US along with Japan. so technically us intervening stopped them from being invaded later. i really am sick of the money grabbing greasy bastards who think they know all about ww2 cos they saw a film about it, made by some fuckin ponce of an american director. we sunk the kreigsmarine we downed the luftwaffe along with russia we destroyed the afrika corps but the yanks apparently saved our asses in ww2
you are so wet dobbs. the french resistance were fantastic during the war and frequently risked their lives. however, vichy france was well known to have collaborated with nazi germany. there were french people were openly anti-semitic and helped in the discrimination of jews... the french had a lot of dirty secrets during ww2 that they don't like reminding about... de gaulle didn't have the support of all of france like many people think for a start. it seems in this day and age you can't even criticise another nation for fear of being branded a bigot. even harmless rivalry and banter between nations like britain and france, which are two countries who share a long history, is seen as 'racist'. what a load of fucking shite... pc do-gooders need to wake up then fuck off
although america did play a masive part in both world wars and their forces should command respect for fighting and dying for the cause. it would have been almost impossible to conquer britain in the way germany conquered france etc with 'blitzkreig' tactics. like most of europe, france is a large nation with far less urban sprawl than the british isles so that makes it easier to advance. if the axis powers had got a foothold on the south coast imagine how much man power and time it would take fighting through the many towns and villages, never mind getting to major urban areas. trying to take areas like london, the west midlands conurbation and the large northern towns and cities would have been extremely time consuming and resulted in massive losses. the only way germany could have succeeded would have been to cut our supplies through the north atlantic shipping route (america helped supply us and russia when they were still neutral), which they tried to do and ultimately failed when the enigma code was finally cracked.