did you get any proper turkish delights. did you bring owt back for the lads anyway, like the local brew
how'd you get them all ito your suitcase??? they midgets??? bringing a thousand tabs back is nee holiday pressies considerig theres only you and cam that smoke.... cheap skate
were gonna get herbie a prostitute when we go to the dam for me bday. you up for coming? were gonna go to ibiza in early sept aswell, you should come itle be a laugh
lmfao. if they do itle be expensive as fuck to keep and un reliable, but itle be able to handle corners well. and you wont get any returns from it when you come to sell it.
Saxo VTS and VTR? Clio 182/172? All rather well favoured engines in their respective classes, I think you will find. Besides the point tho, really - just had to comment Brid appears to be almost a lone voice of reason here - yes, it is racist to tar a whole nation with the same brush. If someone was to call Pakistanis " all arseholes " on this board, they would be eaten alive. Yes, the French social model and way of living does piss all over ours. Britain is in a shit state of affairs at the moment ( although I beleive Brid and myself would disagree over why ). We need to take a leaf out of the French ( or, even better, Swedish ) book. Harry
What a big pile of racist wank this board has become Some of the newer members are complete racist bastards, it's a shame that they couldn't get a bit more education. I kinda hope that this board IS shut down if this kinda thing is going to continue. I'll still go to Promise of course, but hope that the bouncers don't let the racist twats on here in....especially if they're wearing their best Henri-Lloyd sweaters and Rockport boots. Brid & Harry Oh by the way - I didn't see France give up that easily in WW2 - their resistance efforts were pretty damn good and I think that Britain would of been much worse off without them. ALSO - just because America still has certain laws (eg. death sentence) it doesn't mean they are all "god-loving idiots"....I don't agree with much of their political structure BUT many of the people there are intelligent good people who actually don't like their system much either! Threads like these should be deleted anyway. People like Lee should be banned.
jog on pal. france gave up way too easily, (somet like 2 month). i agreee that not every frenchman was a complete pussy like their leaders. de gaulle had some sack about him. not to mention every member of the FFR(as i previously stated). as we all know the US is led by a bible bashing monkey. every action he takes he says its gods will. hes a compelte megalomaniac. hes a complete fuckin cowboy. their military is unproffessional. they think theyre in a hollywood film. always shouting cheesey slogans. they are only this powerfull because they cashed in during ww1 and ww2. they made us sign an agreement to give loads of business away in the US in exchange for joining in. even though they knew that they would had to join in anyway. my rant at the french came because im sick of them and their ways. always demanding more from britain. they should fuckin help themselves for once instead of getting everyone else to do shit for them.