people who have no idea on the facts & details of WWII WE only survived cause we're an island. They were invaded by a far stronger and larger army. u make it sound they went "well, we tried, lets give up for an easy life"
I've yet to meet a french person who's an arsehole no wonder people complain the board is going downhill with shit like this being posted.
EHH??!?!?!? it's a racist statement he's made. he wouldn't buy anything BECAUSE ITS FRENCH hang on.... am i be wound up here? where's beadle....
lol im not sayin they gave up that easy! but i think the way things were then, they wernt just fighting for themselves they were figthting for the future of the majority of the world. they should never have given up no matter what the circumstances were imo
its a well known fact french cars r shit. i only posted that to try and make things a bit more light hearted, and to get this thing away from bein such a racist thread. i still fail to see how not wanting to buy a french car is racist, surely even if he doesnt want to buy anything french thats his choice and its not racist
in the later stages of the war - yes - before they'd commited so many troops the russian front, north africa and the rest of europe - if we'd been connected to the rest of the mainland during the early stages - it've been a different story
so why wouldn't he buy a french apple? because its shit, presumably like EVERYTHING from France? i'm saying his is an old fashioned attitude - the type of person that would also moan about corner shops and other stereotypical narrowminded views.
fair enough mate - good point on hitlers bluffs, although i just don't think the UK would have been as cocky as we were if it weren't for us being a more difficult target
lol suppose this is when i'm supposed to be a mechanical genius n know the ins and outs of describing how bad french cars are?? i didnt realise you had to have such an extent of knowledge to make a statement these days!! i don't know why they are crap, i don't know who designed them, i don't know much about cars to be honest, but i do know how unreliable french cars are, having had a good few in our household over the last decade or so, and having them all have no end of problems with engine each time, seems like a pretty fair comment from my part. especially when most ppl r in the same opinion no matter what program or magazine your lookin at, non are keen on french cars. is this not slightly digressin from the topic of the thread??
Im sure the english were equally badly prepared when william the conqueror came and conquered our anglo saxon arses a thousand years ago.... which probably makes us partially french anyways. What a lame arse argument.
hmm i see you point, it was just a joke at the end of the day. its not like he would hate someone just cos they're french, now thats racist
i drive a renault - it's pretty on the inside and the seat fits my arse nice! not had any major problems with it... except it looks like it's been an extra in a mad max film - but other than that - it's fine. BUT my dad swore by Fords. he hated the french. he would always shout "bloody zulus" at anyone vagluey tanned.... but he was from that generation. PLUS - he flew in Lancaster bombers and dropped explosives on europe
'the seat fits my arse nice' if its cumfy you can't grumble like im not gona say vauxhalls r any good in comparison to any french cars cos my experience wi them has been a nightmare!! spent over £1000 in th last year fixin it. i daresay i wouldnt have spent that much on any other car