[Science Question] Will a plane take off?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mr.B.ThatsMe, Nov 29, 2005.

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  1. SeniorChem Si

    SeniorChem Si Registered User

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Getting it on
    nah you've got it wrong, the treadmill thing is right as far as it goes, but try this....

    If it was a car with wings that could fly (stay with me) it would stand still and never take off cos it's air speed it still 0 whatever it's wheel speed is, but this only applies because it's drive comes from it's wheels, or in your case your feet on a treadmill.

    The plane gets its speed from it's jets which are gonna accelerate the plane even if the conveyor is going at 1000mph

    I'm right and evryone who doesn't think so is wrong
  2. SeniorChem Si

    SeniorChem Si Registered User

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Getting it on
    didn't see this, but you've figured it the same as me, so that definitely seals it :p
  3. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Another bit of confusion has kicked off.

    Is it even possible to match the speed of the wheels and the conveyor at ALL times? Acceleration requires that either the wheel or the conveyor moves first, no?

    So at the end of all of this could the answer be that the plane does not move, does not take off and the wheels/conveyor stay at 0mph?

    I'd have left this topic for the rest of time if I hadn't just spent over 2 hours discussing it with someone on msn who obviously didn't have the pleasure of going through it since this morning :lol:

    I suppose this technicality groups together with all the other factors such as friction though so maybe it's best that nobody answers this.

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