well it was fairly clear it was never going to be the nut from the hospital or the cop, it would have been far too believeable... so that left the lead or *someone else* and by the end of the film they wern't gonna bring another character.. i didnt know from 'all along' obviously, but it didnt take much...
ssshhhh the story line is immense, but the acting is very dire, especially fromt he doctor he sounds like one of the voices out of metal gear solid, that same computer game cheesey zmerican accent the guy in the cape was the guy in the room who was the jigsaw killer (altho he aint really a killer) because the bit where he is in the cape was a glance back in time when the 2 guys wake in the room that is like near the end of the time line, at that time, danny glover is no longer a cop etc etc
Lee. to be fair, someone coming from the hole that is Seaham has no room to talk. Its the fucking dark ages in that part of county Durham, almost as bad a Murton, though I hear Seaham has now become a retirement villiage!
I thought I understood it when I went to see it but now reading this thread I feel like I duno if I was right! Best part of the saw experience? The food before hand
just cos seaham is not metrolpolis doesnt make its inhabitants stupid. alnwick doesnt sound like pleasant ville either
It got voted the best place to live in Britian you numb-nut! Alnwick The lass lives there, I'm up there most of the week, then its sunny Bensham for weekend fun
You are talking bollocks, to be fair, theres no way on this earth you knew it was the dead guy on the floor, also this shit about you knew it wasn't the janitor guy, well obvisoulsy, the whole point of a horror plot is to keep you guessing and thats what it did, thats not predictable thats unpredictable.
its the basic plot of most horror novels tough? you are eliminating who it could be from the very start of the film, i didnt say i knew who it was from the start, read my post again. the pedicatable thing - the plot follows so many other serial killer movies, maybe i should have said it lacked originality.. excluding the end.. still the film was toss. but thats imho.