My advice is to get yourself Cubase SX 2 or 3 and get to grips with that .. reason is a kids program.
is there any demo's of these i can try?? and how much you looking to pay for one of these programes?? and i did say earlier i was just starting to write tracks so maybe reason would be ok if kids can use it cheers mate
Wasnt having a go like m8 .. but if your serious about producing your stuff and think you can do it then go straight in and get SX ... try getting a demo from or downloading one from somewhere and trying it. Its industry standard but then again at the end of the day use whatever it takes to get your sound .. IN MUSIC THERE ARE NO RULES ... !!!!!!
ok : Reason Website go there click on reason on the side and chose download demo at bottom of screen FL Studio 5 Demo the other options availiable are Steinberg Cubase se/sl/sx, Cakewalk Sonar, Logic (Mac Only) amongst others. tho those are the main ones. now first of all, reason is a self contained studio suite. This means all you need to professionally produce a track is all there within the program. The other programs are sequencers, this means that additional purchases of synthesizer VST's such as Native Instruments Absynth/Pro 53, Novation V-Station etc which can all be costly too will be needed (although they do usually come with a couple of internal synths that can be used) now prices : Reason - well the newest version 3.0 is £300, tho if u look around u should be able to find version 2.5 for about £200 and then if u wanted to upgrade to 3 u can do so for about £60 so that all works out cheaper in the end. FL Studio - prices for this range from £75 - £150 deoending on where u get it and wot package u get (how many synth vst's come with it) Sonar - two versions £165 & £320, dont know the difference but im sure it will just have a lot more features and be a lot more comprehensive. Cubase - SE £100, SL £240, SX £450. those prices are just a guide and can fluctuate up and down from place to place, so if u going to buy one then just google and look through as many shops as u can to find the best deal. Now my advice. Whoever said Reason is for kids is a fool. Its not the program that makes the difference its who's using it. There are hundreds of producers with tracks out there that are signed and were created using reason. Likewise for all the other programs including FL Studio which comes under some fire from time to time for being a kids program too, but again its totally unsubstantiated. It all comes down to what you yourself feel comfortable with which is why i suggest using the demo's first. Personally i think you are best off starting with Reason or FL Studio. they are the easiest programs to get to grips with (which is where the "kids" thing comes from, but it doesnt make them any harder to master).