Now there's a proper resolution. Not all this I'm going to detox shite, then realising that once the end of January has arrived you've failed miserably!
You fancy this mate?? Maybe try and get some of the society down there eh?!?! Hope you had a good Christmas and NYE - will give you a bell when I'm back in the toon.
Trance fest I love living here, 30 mins away from the best club in UK (thats my opinion before any debates start!)
Saturday 25th February 2006 : Passions 11th Birthday!! Matt Hardwick Andy Moor Lange vs The Thrillseekers Agnelli & Nelson Adam Sheridan Simon Patterson Marc West Andy Bagguley Yaz Producer Showcase Room Randy Katana Mark Norman Mike Koglin Alex Morph Marcos Aled Mann & Dewi House & Breaks Andy Smith Nick Summers Chris Nobles Featuring Visuals by VJ Steve G 8pm - 6am | £15 Tickets, M.O.T.D | 0871 2200097
Been told that Alex Morph is a shit DJ - nice tunes but shit DJ I'll be there for Hardwick, Norman, Sheridan, Yaz and Aled Mann
not really my cup of tea but if every1s going down i'll come, sure lanky n phil will b up 4 it nye at passion was amazing, spent all our time in the hard room like, pin up n mark eg were shit hot
And? He was just saying he went on NYE and that he likes hardhouse....Not everyones narrowminded thats why hes been to passion a few times and will come again