aston in the metro used to stock lots of red ear stuff those Levis deluxe jean at OKI-NI look decent and no silly seagulls on them
for cool idea's check out
Tho Oki-Ni Levi's are nice, but I'm not sure I could justify paying £!50 for Levi's. Plus, the 'silly seagulls' on the Oki-Ni Evisus aren't blatant, they're black & white striped trance_fan > You've no idea mate. I don't buy stuff for a name tag, I buy stuff cos I like the way it's designed. Do Topman design stuff the same as Nudie, Diesel, OneTrue, etc.? Stu...Knew I could rely on captain stylish to pull through Jim > Cheers for the heads-up. I've seen some people with some decent Red Ear jeans on as of late.
Do topman charge £150?? I don't remember mentioning Topman anyway River Island and H&M are good too. For example. I've got a pair of jeans from H&M, they cost me £29.99. Mate of mine has a pair of jeans which he payed around £150 for. Side by side you would think they are made by the same people, so dont give me that design spiel You just want people no point and shout "WOW! Look at that guy wearing headphones, hes got mint jeans!...Wait a minute....they arn't headphones " etc.
i could tell the difference between a pair of topman jeans and a decent pair in a split second. i am always looking at what other people are wearing, i am genuinely interested in fashion and i love seeing people out dressed really well. i spend obscene amounts of money on clothes because i earn it and i can, same reason i drive a nice car. to address your cost argument with topman jeans, why do people by mercedes when you can get a daewoo for 1/4 of the price? the answer, the way it looks, the build quality etc... clothing is no different. i don't see what the problem is with buying items at the more expensive end of the spectrum? allie i believe sell redear but i think their site is down at the minute.
Again you point to topman. I never mentioned topman in the first place I see your point about the car, but it's different. Many more people notice/care. You can get a daewoo for about 1/50th of the price tbf I personally just think its pointless. Whats the advantage. You could spend the money on better things. I could anyway! Fiar enough, a few items of silly priced clothes...but all of them?! Its madness. You often really are just paying for the name! Quality of Jeans from the likes of H&M etc is fine. Just because its cheaper, and doesnt spout some mincer brand name that people pay obscene amounts of money for, doesnt make it shit quality.
Just to add to that... The car example... You pay for performance, style and quality when it comes to cars. A car that costs £5000 (new) will be bog standard, look pretty bad and have naff performance (mostly). A car that costs £20000+ will have superb performance, look class and have loads of extras. There is actually a difference between the cars. But with jeans, what real advantage do you get from paying £150 as opposed to £25? What is the real difference?? It's all denim This makes me assume that you think everyone who doesnt wear silly priced clothes dresses shit and are looked down on...which is of course absurd. I have had some big brand name jeans in the past, and I have found no extreme difference in them compared to a cheaper pair, so now i buy the cheaper pair, and save myself a fortune! Of course this is entirely what I personally think and will naturally be dissmissed by a few of you
Stop comparing jeans to a car. Every single pair of jeans I've had from the likes of Topman, etc. has lasted a few months and ripped/fucked. I've had some of my Diesel, OneTrue jeans for two years now, and they're still on spot-on nick. At the end of the day, we have different views on this subject. If H&M made anything as nice/good as the stuff I pay what you would call absurd amounts of money for, I would shop there instead. But they don't. So I don't. Until they do this, I shall continue to spend ridiculous money on clothes that help me be better dressed than you, with your "Look At Me, I'm A Dick" top, or whatever witty slogan Topman are putting on their t-shirts this week...
stop talking about fucking topman I have never had a pair of jeans from there rip though, or indeed any shop like it. You say "dress better than me" as though I actually give a toss?? I do not think people with expensive clothes are necessarily dressed "better" than others. Something doesnt have to be silly priced to be decent mate, you look no different to someone wearing a cheaper outfit that is still decent.
i'll do what the fuck i like thank you. it is a valid metaphor, you are simply paying for greater style, performance etc. explain how the fuck that is different to prestige fashion items? i chose cars as i've seen in the past chris has posted about nice cars. evidently i reasoned he would be able to see my point by comparing it to something which, he himself would be prepared to spend more than average on.
Shit, did you first mention the cars thing? Sorry mate, I didn't notice, thought Chris had just brought it up randomly, was trying to insult him
paying a hundreds pounds for jeans is not over priced? how the hell do i manage to look this damn good in 12.99 jeans from TK MAXX???? lol you fooking lads, you will never learn. more foreplay - less buying "labels"
Allie - there's a shop called Cruise2 that sells Oki-Ni stuff - you have to order it and it takes about 3 days....the shop is two or three doors down from Trillians Rock Bar - if you don't know where that is, it's on Northumberland Place (a street opposite the entrance to Monument Mall at the top end of Northumberland Street)