Id just got into the arean main bit and instantly soaked in lager or summit - probs piss knowing some scruffs there - i did hear stories of people pissing in glasses and hoying them all over The main floor was fucking soaking, the pants were rolled up straight away and if id stayed in all the time they were on id of come out looking like id pissed myself, this time for once i hadnt tho :laugh: The bar was a fucking skank, everything in plastic cups but even then they still get hoyed about, some people had drinks in bottles anyways so dunno how that worked ?!? Throw in the fact it was shit lager and shit prices there was nee going back there Paul > aye we'd been for a few at Daz's off here then went into town eventually onto the Quay then Arena I deffo should of got more lashed up, i just couldnt be arsed tho even tho i was well looking forward to it
are the watered down carlsbergs still £3.40?... and u/some c unt spills half of it before u get away from the bar... gutted my mates not head barman at the arena anymore.. gona cost a bomb tonite..
Opened with the intro of 'Fuckin In The Bushes' They also played these; Layla What's The Story (Morning Glory) Cigarettes & Alcohol Swamp Song Wonderwall Champagne Supernova Don't Look Back In Anger Little By Little Rock & Roll Star Songbird Live Forever And finished with the original; The Who : My Generation They obviously played a lot more, those are just what stood out. The atmosphere was unreal, absolutely electric It may have been a fucking sauna in there, but it sure as hell didn't ruin anyones night
Aye sound about the same as last night and a bit more which you have mentioned, was never gonna go for two nights in all fairness cos i couldnt afford it and would take the shine off the first Lets hope next time they do have another tour IF they have another album out i can go to an event outdoors, sadly i didnt get tickets for V Oasis
awesome. threw my pint to the front at the start.. moved forward a bit and we all got covered in someone elses.. what goes around comes around eh.. was absolutley dripping from start to finish.. plans to go to a club after were fucked cos everyone looked like they'd been for a dip in the tyne... champagne supernova nearly fell off a few shoulders once or twice but wud have been worth breaking a leg.. better than the last times ive seen 'em but the stuff on the new album really is gash...
ha.. dont care... :laugh: nearly broke my neck when everyone was pushing me back on ur shoulders when i was trying to get down will stick the rest of the photos and videos online later ... liams sweating like tom outside a primary school..
Not a big fan but got a ticket half price so I ended up going.. really good.. Absolutely mingingly sweaty like. Champagne Supernova & My Generation....
Though the highlight was watching the disgusting fat old bloke stood next to me send x-rated texts to some woman.. pure filth they were.
im so gutted reading this thread i want to cry basic - i wouldnt have been able to see so i would have rented your shoulders