lol i've actually got about 10 mousemats so I just use the first one I find when I set my computer up!
Ahh right well no need to spash out then! Im lucky if I can find one at work they get nicked!! Ruth- Sounds cute!
'on every desk you need an akhter' more like at ever corner shop you'll find a.. anyway... cheers uni (ps anyone who was at mine last week... have u seen my wrist support thing?)
Two computers.. Bagpuss on one mouse mat and Bugs Bunny on the other.. Hmm. And I do have a company mouse mat that I stole from work but I can't remember where I've put it..!
When I worked at northern Rock I had a bagpuss one but somene stole it So the lion king it is and I think I took that from someone at work here???
Ahh very true! Never though about it in that way maybe not licking pussy thou! maybe I should change it....
My mat has Japanese art on it!..... erm.....ok.... think that tells me I'm a saddo more than it tells anyone else stuff. Prezzie from the Mrs! I really liked it though! Maybe I'm not as common as I want to be! And yes, it is from Japan.