Man Urinates On Dying Disabled Woman

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TheSpence, Sep 19, 2007.

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  1. Anderzz

    Anderzz Registered User

    Sep 20, 2003
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    South Shields
    I imagine other prisoners dont take to kindly to people who do things like this. With a bit of luck he will get punished by others within the prison.

    if not, when hes released he will need some protection i imagine. sick cunt
  2. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Was this some sort of 'oh look at that pissed woman, lets go and mock her' situation or did he genuinely piss on her whilst he knew she was dying? Sounds too unreal to be true tbh :eek:
  3. smigs

    smigs by the sword of dobber

    Nov 24, 2005
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    In a princess
    It makes no odds if he knew she was disabled or not. The point is its the wrong thing to do to anybody.
    The respect people show each other these days is non existant along with the right sentencing given out. Hence you basicaly have a huge problem with thug culture in england. Little twats walking around thinking they own the place, robbing, thieving, stabbing and murdering people etc. Its the fact that there not taught respect from a young age from both parents and schools (if they show up) and the soft sentences they receive if caught is no deterant.
    They should deffinatley start by bringing the cane back to schools and start making the law side with the decent bystanders of society. You should beable to clip the likes of this daft twat and all the other scum bags without the thought of being prosocuted for assault or whatever.
    End of the day, there the criminals so why should they get a slap on the wrist, or a fine or 10 hours community service. Give them what they deserve....
    A long sentence in a prison, not a cushy prison like they are today, but a stinking rotting sess pit where they get a daily bumbing or 2 and are forced to eat there own shit and get treated like animals cos thats all they are.


    Rant over, I feel better now :D

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