Love Parade 2002

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by kalashnikov, Mar 27, 2002.

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  1. graham

    graham Registered User

    Nov 14, 2001
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    sayin that though i dont think 12mths ago the council would have considered a 6am licence but now theyre gradually realisin its more than 'a night out' to lots of people. i know though that the bad press the event was recieving months in advance from the local press got a load of city residents against the idea and from then it was a struggle.
    also radio 1 offered at xmas 2000 their help from people used to organisin r1 events, but the council refused and gave the job to people used to organising flower & craft shows who had no experience or grasp of how big the job actually was.

    was it ever going to work???
    me thinks not :(

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