at the mo am student scum doin a degree in primary education n im just workin 4 promise at the mo doin flyerin then bits n bobs on a clubnite but in september hopefully i shud be a primary school teacher n shud hav ma own clas sof 30 lil'unz i honesty cannot wait!! but the way things are lookin at the mo theres hardly any jobs goin anywhere in teh north east so am hopin 4 nothink short of a miracle in order to get a job 4 september like!! xxx
I did work experience there! The most boring 2 weeks of my life!! Me and 4 mates sat in a room full of computers for the full 2 weeks doing NOTHING with some guy called Mr Beeton suggesting we do these pointless things and some woman called Marion asking us if we'd stolen her digital camera. We asked if we could learn how to use the machines n stuff and Mr Beeton was like "errr no you just sit in this room and watch them through the glass". 9am til 5pm Monday to Friday for 2 weeks. Jesus we nearly committed suicide in there!! Thank god for the trip to Vickers where we got to play in a tank.
We always called him "Upside down heed" cos someone mentioned he looked like his head was upside down And yeah we told him we'd had a shite time and he said maybe they would have to rethink taking people on. We also loved the Security guard at the front door who sat reading his newspaper and never asked us ONCE who we were....just a bunch of 15 year old lads walking in!
My weekend job is a joke, my boss' sit on their arse and play solitare and stuffing their faces while we slave away...
Hmmm...this could be a while.... General Manager Alan Snaith Deputy Manager Mike McCallum Asst. Dep. Manager Mick Walsh Asst. Dep. Manager Peter Sutton Asst. Dep. Manager Ian Brocket Personnel Manager Bev Waites Personnel Clerk Karen Dontknowhersecondname Grocery Manager Dave Wilson :evil: :evil: Then if you wanted me to go on about all of the tossers who AREN'T managers....well a couple of hundred of people work where I work so that would be one LONG post! (Sorry I know I'm not Sarah and you were directing your post at her but I'm bored off my arse so posting anything!)
that name rings a bell for sum reason its battering my head trying to work out where ive heard it before :spangled:
Ever worked for Morrisons? Or do you work for Safeway...he's going to be the Regional Director for Safeways when Morrisons takes them over. Erm...don't really know much more about him
Shutup! Soon enough you'll be wearing a lovely apron and listening to "More reasons to shop at MorRISons"