Thanks I wish I had the motivation as the course Im doing is a killer The thought of the money keeps me going!
I'm doing a BA in Geography at Newcastle uni. May change to BSc though. My fellow students are boring. I have more facial piercings (at the grand total of two) than the rest of the 120 odd people on my course put together! :bonkers:
really?... so your one of the knobs that has made life hell for us multimedia kids... ever tried using flash with no right click/cant play mp3s & movies properly.. and those nu macs will be the end of me. :evil:
people on English course are no a lad wearing tapered jeans was in my seminar group....Tapered Jeans????:wtf:
I would say 75-80% are boring Times readers, who are so stuck up their own arse it's unbelieveable. Honeslty! Geography is one of the worst courses for stuck up rah's as we have module choices such as "Town and country planning" and "Countryside management". The dirty looks I get from the rah's for daring to have a lip piercing or colour in my hair are shocking. One asked me if he could ask a favour recently, I said "Aye", he looked shocked, and said "Oh, it doesn't matter". Musn't want associate with commoners!