My observation skills? I only seen you once and you weere with a bloke??? Is that your partner, And i dont feel the need to brag i just know it winds up loser like you so i do it, Go on a diet mate and ditch that jacket And being lanky is good thing girls hate short arsed wankers
It winds me up? It makes me laugh, you've not really got anything to shout about but you still do so from the top of your proverbial lungs You're this board's geordie DickVanDyk and about as funny to boot :camp:
so whats the point of you on this board? Lets face it you look like a gimp, you talk like a gimp you serve no purpose, And how do you know i have nothing to shout about??? You have no idea who i am, you only knwo what ColeTrickle says and you still do get it that its not even a real person Only one person on this board knows ME and im fairly certian that i have achieved more in my life than a little ugly gimp like you ever will No fuck off and hit the gym fatty
having thought about it i think its like this I have a life outside the net, All my mates i did not meet on the net and i find this board a mild form of entertianment, I dont care if othe rpeopel find me funny or not cos im not her to make people laugh im here becasue i liek the fact gimps like you take it so seriously. I like to sperate my Life from Virtual reality You on the othe rhand prob meet most your mates onthe net, you prob use it to find girls and you feel the need to goto message board meet up and take pictures of people in tashs just to get noticed and make new mates, you prob dont have the social skills to meet girls in normal situaltion and prob never try to chat up girls while out, You a classic case of internet gimp and you life revolves around your PC I think we can leave it there, I dont think its that bad a thing i mean people like you need to find mates somehow i just dont think its for me as a prefere meeting people in normal situaltion and i dont like shopping for girlfriends online
Is this one of those, 'i cant come back so i will reply with a pointless laugh smilyes??' well done gimp
I dont get many taxis Plus i have been living Dawn South for 7 years and did not have the need for a newcastle taxi firm strangley enough
Aye they have! I was just gonna say Spud's met him, on a bus i think cos he was reading mixmag.....So he is real. Leave him alone man!
Jeees... I thought you might have come up with something funny in the last hour but the best you can manage is: "gimp", "fuck off and hit the gym fatty" and "i bet you don't have a girlfriend" You harsh bastard you I could get better grief from 8 year olds :fart: