what you on about? heathers threads always kick 'reet off'. granted she needs help, but please, please, please don't stop posting on here. its like corrie but better.
There is absolutley no need for some of things that you've done, no matter how depressed you are! I don't even pitty you anymore, you've gone too far. The thing is, your very intelligent, but still you keep doing these things! Shit thread, no need, as always
Ill only get them out if u take the photos...altho ill never ever ever look as pretty as you do. Ellielou, i started taking the antidepressants 3 years ago cos my doctor finally decided i wasnt just 'a bit sad' as had been written on my notes previously. I stopped taking them when i got back with martin, btu then after a few months he found out and told me to take them again or he would leave me, we kept this up for anotehr 2 years, then when he left me in september, i turned back to my old ways and didnt want to, so i askwd to go back on them, and i took them for a bit but then couldnt afford to keep getting them so i have stopped. so true. there are quite a few randoms walking around newcastle, darlo and leeds who know my entire life story. There are two poor bastards who had the misfortune to sit at the same table to me on a train coming back from leeds which stopped for 30 mins between leeds and york. One eventually went to the shop to get some alcohol cos they couldnt cope with what i was telling them without it. I guess i tell you lot stuff becasue, apart from a select few, ive never met you. I stopped going to promise in april and even before that, i wasnt out on a night out, i was working at foundation so dont know that many of you...your just easier to type to. And i find its easier to type then talk anyhow, cos 'usually' i can go back and delete bits
ive stopped listening to a word you say now mate. You're too far up Rachels arse to make ur own decisions anymore. If she ever left you, i reakon 3 years down the line you'd still be crying. there is no way you would be sat there 5 months later saying 'im glad shes happy adn getting pounded 5 times a night by her new boyfriend'
rucks are what make the messageboard go round! without them we would be reduced to nothing but mundane shite like "what picture did you have on your lunchbox as a kid?", "who was your favourite character in thundercats?" etc... more rucks = better and busier board.
I used to think that you were just a bit messed up, and if people like us helped you out, you'd come through it with time. But the way you've gone on recently just beggers belief! There has been totally no need for it, and all you want is attention! It must kill you when people don't reply to you! Of course I would be totally gutted, but life goes on. I was with somebody for 3 and a half yeras, to who I have a son with, and she finished me! I was gutted for ages, but not once did I drink in the house, or fell sorry for myself, life goes on. I am now more happier than I've ever ben tbh. Also, I wouldn't be bothered who she was now getting 'pounded 5 times a night'. I would move on, and get her out of my head, like I suggest you try and do!
But nobody has mentiond Clare getting pounded by Gordon 5 times a night, in fact most people go out of there way not to mention anything at all about them to you. Its the way you tell them that makes me laugh
course i love you joe...your a sexy as they come. And dead intelligent, i like a man who can hold down a conversation without it turnin to football. I reakon you would be a good one to debate the existence of souls with. and btw, im The Biatch, not thebitch.
its a pre payment card, its just already payed for. can work out about 10% cheaper or summat, you just have to take loads of drugs and pay by dd or whatever.
i was goin out wiv a lad from when i was 13 till i was 18. we are still really good m8s. i went out wiv sum1 else afta him, then when we had finished, my first ex got in touch and we went out for a drink and that. he told me he still loved me and all that, but when i got wiv peter he was still happy for us, and gets on well wiv pete. so yes, you can still be happy for martin, if you cant be wiv him in the way you want to be, wouldnt u rather atleast be his m8??? n by the way u are actin towards claire and all the stuff your saying on here. i doubt he will even wanna b m8s.
it is easier to write than to talk ....hav u tried writing a diary....sometimes u dont hav to wirte to any1 in particular....just writing things down and gettin it off ur chest sometimes helps. When u do start feelin better....if u read it back to urself u'll be surprised at the way u used to feel. As for the anti-depressants....they wont work if u take them just now n again....they need to be taken consecutively for a few weeks to even start workin. Sometimes they just giv u that small boost u need to get u on the right track to feelin better. Even if u dont want to take them long term.