Has Promise Changed 2much???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DJPAUL, May 29, 2003.

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  1. WebbA

    WebbA Registered User

    Nov 21, 2001
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    liked promise in april 2001, like it now, nuff said
  2. Sweeney

    Sweeney Registered User

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Keeping to the plan
    I will say I preffered Promise a year or so ago when it was minus the harder side of things (although there were still some hard nights) :D
  3. Mr Scottyfish

    Mr Scottyfish Registered User

    Sep 3, 2002
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    I'm glad Promise has introduced some variety into the nights.

    I think the introduction of the new harder nights will only benefit the club. Most people slated HH, but from what I've heard/read, nights like Tissera, Yoji and Lab 4 were amongst the best nights seem there recently.

    Having just one style of music makes the club stale IMO.

    You still need a core product for a brand, trance in this case, but also needs variation to keep interest.

    If you look at Gods, they're going down hill due to samey line-ups. They would not dare to haveharder music played there, partly due to either snobbery of the management or of the customers.

    Sundis, although they're a HH club, have found some recent success with teaming up with other nights, such as Bonkers for that little bit of variation. Whilst they are not pulling in the numbers they were in their peak, Sundis still draws a sizeable crowd every week.

    I think it would be a shame and a big loss to Newcastle if Promise went the way of Gods. From what I've seen/heard, it was on the slippery slope.

    Management have taken a brave step by turning monthly and introducing the harder nights.

    Whilst you can't please everyone all of the time, it's a better philosophy to try and please as many as you can as often as you can. By putting on a night to suit most tastes across the month, you are catering to a wider market.

    By going monthly, you have something to look forward to and plan every month. Clubbing gets very boring if it's week after week. Same thing, different day. The whole monthly thing creates that special atmosphere as everyone is geared up for it.

    I can't go out clubbing much due to other commitments, but when I have planned a night out, I've really looked forward to it and enjoyed it a hell of a lot more rather than thinking "it's friday, I've got to go out..."

    Erm.... bored ppl enough already! Sorry :oops:
  4. Wot

    Wot Registered User

    Jan 3, 2002
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    That will have been about the last time you were there was it? :p ;)

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