if your putting it on over dyed hair it'll stay in longer though! give it a bash & if u don't like it dye it again!
tempting but id get me balls cut off shud av seen the look when i got it from blonde to red :evil: :laugh:
get her told! stus gona get his done orange??? orange ffs... who wud want to be like a ginga intentionally????? :spangled:
i tried :cry2: lol - even worse now cos its goin ginger!!! he's wot?!?! eh??? why wud any1 wanna actually MAKE it that colour?!?!?! :sick:
If you want to get your hair darker from a very fair natural blonde colour, you need to make sure that any brown/dark brown etc has a fair amount of red in it, or it will fade quickly and look shite. If you want it almost black, dye it dark red first, then add the colour you want. Anyways Katie, divvn't be boring - gan for purple!
i got sum shit bleach the other week and mine went ginger... shit myself . .. sworted it out tho i think hes going for a nickelodeon orange as well :spangled: he wants me to do it... i think he shud let sash have a go.. shes class at hair-doos.. just ask 'bald patch tom' :laugh: