Yuo judge people by an internet messgae board You wanker this is not real life you clown and using padantic spelling errors as an insult ??? Oh no im so hurt, I earn more than all you so fuck off
As if you even know me I have been a supporter since way before you even knew what football was, grow up little boy go surf the net for a girlfriend or something useful
How the fuck have you got the neck to say shite like that when every one of your posts is saying Sunderland is a dump blah blah blah if you can generalise about a whole city then we can judge you by an internet message board. And that snide little comment about what you earn is priceless how the fuck do you know what any of us earn u sad bastard.
He will remember too mind his own business in future. Lets hope I dont get a beaten on sunday when I wear my Chelsea top
you lot are so easy to winf up.. I think you should take a chill pill, remeber this is a messgae baord not real life... Provides me plenty enterainment at work tho i have to say
how about tryin to act then instead of making yourself sound like a complete fool. if you look through majority of my posts, i dont try n make enemies, especially on the board, but bloating out a load of shit about how much you earn makes you sound like a complete arse imo
I think you miss the point, this is a internet message board not real life and if peopl eget offened by my rants, which dont mirror my true stance on issues, then its pathetic to get wound up over it, I mena my god this is not real life, why cant you just have a laugh and a banter without people taking it so seriously ??? Personally i dont earn Loadsa money it was a JOKE!!! it was a my dad is bigger than your dad kinda thing, if you cant see that then maybe your too sensitive to be on the net