That cockney was the reason i hate them so much, total pleb ! at the end of the day its a tricky one for the authorities over there, take away the drugs you take away 90% of the tourists meaning that 90% of the people who work in Ibiza no longer have jobs cause the hotels are not full etc etc.
u c the drug dealer at the end got caught with 250 pills and 50 gs of coke and only got 5 yrs plus he gets let out on wkends!!!
Ibiza and drugs go hand in hand, every dealer that gets caught there's another ten to replace them. If you go Don't sell drugs Don't over use them Buy from the Brits if you have to take them Find one dealer and stick to them, they often reward loyalty with cheaper gear. so I'm told anyway. I'm a bit past that stuff now. San An is just a hot balckpool, still good fun though
I have so much respect for the Paramedics over there, the stuff they must have to see and deal with in a summer season out there must be horrendous
I have seen some sights over the years, few people foaming @ the mouth. Seen one of the girls who used to be in Hollyoaks lastyear, wired on Ket. She was asking me to make sand angels with her all along the beach next to Kanya after the Garlands party She was last seen by me, talking to a sunbed She was in a bad way. Yeah agreed big up the medical staff, can't say I would be keen scooping up twatted messes every day for five months of the year.
I met her aswell when she was on Ket it was totally funny as fuck, to say she was ruined is the biggest understatement of the year, a few years ago a German lad in our hotel took so many pills he thought he could fly and threw himself off the balcony, needless to say he died, on the path below our balcony u could see the blood strains on the pavement still
she was :inlove: till she hit the nose bag and it all went Pete Tong Crazy lass lost everything I was told, her job, her rents got rid and she blew all the money she made on a full on mad summer. She was seeing Dan the BMX man
i dont think i would want to be 'shaun the dealer' about this time that cockney kid needed a right slap. but loved the way he told his lass to shut up while he was selling
Lizard is my big pal. Thats who BBC wanted in Barca Jail. He is in toon a couple of days every month.
Never been to ibiza and dunno if i fancy it anymore...looks half the place it was in 97-2000...all my ibiza knowledge is from telly and magazines though...
Depends what you want to go to Ibiza for really. If you want to go to get pissed and be lairy, you'll love it in San Antonio. Clubs-wise, if you're into trance, you'll love it. House-wise it's gash. It's a gorgeous island though. If you stay up in the North of the island it's great.