Yeah its tested and has killed a lot less poeple. Educate poeple about its effects and the potential dangers its a pretty safe substance. If you cain it like any drug it will fuck u up. Look up the fact on the substance the poeple who took in 1988 are not all in mental wards most have just got on with there lives. The evidence on mdma is their most poeple would cain for a bit get sick of the midweek comedowns and go back to normal life and only take it occasionaly or stop. If poeple want to kill themselves with long term substance abuse they will do it on anything.
Yeah i know the govt sacks anyone who wants have a sensible debate on the subject. Interesting on cambodia being the many supplier of the the oil needed to make md.
Mr Johnson said: "As a result of the council's swift advice, I am introducing legislation to ban not just mephedrone and other cathinones but also to enshrine in law a generic definition so that we can be in the forefront of dealing with this whole family of drugs. "This will stop unscrupulous manufacturers and others peddling different but similarly harmful drugs." The Conservatives welcomed the move but said they would "go further" by introducing a temporary ban classification to tackle other similar "legal highs" that may come on to the market. there it goes. "Other cathinones" banned despite there being no evidence of harm or any deaths linked to them. they are now in a pre election fever of who can ban most things faster
Done this last night for the first time, weird stuff like, at it's peak it's great fun but I found the effects wore off quite fast and made me want more and more, to the point where i lost track of time and had no sleep at all before work today, can you shite sleep on it lol
I lay completely shattered, but wide awake lol. Not something i'd do again in a hurry like but worth a shot.
I cant sleep if I go to bed, but if I just lie one the sofa and not try to go to sleep I usually drop off, stayed up for UFC on saturday and ended up watching a couple of old UFC's before kicking my mate out so I could have an hours kip before the Sunderland match and ended up dozing just before kick off and waking up 4 hours later, when I saw the result I was pleased to have got the kip in haha
haha well i went to work today completely fucked, my glands are all swolen, jaw wrecking lol. i'm too old for this shit bit gutting cos my lass is going through the whole 18 and experimenting stage now lol.
Haha aye, i hate the thought of her doing stuff though, I'm acting like a right patronising old twat lol.
Seems to have loads of different side effects on different poeple makes my throat glands hurt and swolen the couple of times i did more that 1/4 of a g in night so just stay away from it now. Seems ok at first then worse every time you take it.imo
A memo that has been sent around the department of health, including GP's and nurses today ''A number of media reports have recommended that anyone that has used Methedrone whether they are experiencing side effects or not, should seek medical help, on the evidence available, this advice CANNOT be supported by the department of health''