I never touched him. Asking a question does not mean that soemone is then going todo something for you. loving how the now or back in the day poll is going snack the munching was retired at gathering last year
it took me a while to realise nobber was a doncaster phrase not really meaning the way it sounds (I hope) I am gonna check pms now will I be offended : answer in 2 mins time! SENT you a reply check pms
Well don't fucking bother then. I'll give them your number so they can ask you for one themselves. I'm not acting anymore as any fucking go-between for you and anyone else, not if you're going to act like a fucking five-year-old. Oh, and go fuck yourself too.
what is your problem? you are giving me far too much attitude I asked you a question ,you replied and no one ever put any time limit on it. I dont see a problem in that Who you going between, everyone who wanted them got them sent in the post. Then again , I guess I never acted as a go between when microwave, bed, freezer etc all went from shields to gateshead free of charge Chill man
My problem is you acting like a complete fucking arse. Either stop it or fuck off. That is all. ps I can't PM.
I divanty na what the crack is like, I dont see how asking someone for their address by pm or phone text or saying/asking how many discs do you want can warrant such abuse. it sounds like crashdown thursday Nee wonder I love the star wars threads so much. I think the microwave i gave Dodge is slowly changing him into the hulk due to gamma radiation leakage
Nice. @ Melt - I can't be bothered to list anything, esp when you know that you've been being a twat. I've added you to my ignore list, bye bye