CRB Checks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mr.B.ThatsMe, Jan 8, 2009.

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  1. Grahamy B

    Grahamy B

    May 7, 2008
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    The Slums of Crambodia
    Cunts! :mad:
    Surely though, if I'd said I was willing to leave they would've knew something was afoot. Especially seen as they'd already felt a hard lump on my tezzy.
    Wish I did know more about my rights for this sort of thing though. Think I'll have to do some research before smuggling that kilo of smack into Texas when I finally get a visa on my 50th
  2. Grahamy B

    Grahamy B

    May 7, 2008
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    The Slums of Crambodia
    Good point! It is a complete greedy farce, like most American things.
    I fell face 1st into their trap, well my mam did, but I stood by & let her fall into it! Goddammit! :mad: I reckon we team with Iran & nuke the fat bastards! :evil:
  3. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Not 100% sure but my understanding is that to STRIP SEARCH you they have to have some intelligence on you enough to provide like a warrent (but for a personal body search).. Them just feeling your groin then asking you to strip and bend over naked sounds sharp practise to me.. If you say no what can they do? they cant arrest you you havent done anything? Even for a Stop and Search they have to have a reason and give a reciept.

    Becasue you havent done anything wrong Id guess you can walk away but the meat heats would prbs baton or tazer you like ha

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