i hoard things, i have stupid things that somehow remind me of things and therefore get kept... as a result u can't swing a cat in my room / loft / grandparents loft :spangled:
I hardly chuck things out, my room is a state. Admittedly I never touch most of the stuff in there. When I do tidy up though I REALLY do and chuck loads of stuff out, then regret it a few weeks later when I realise I've chucked something out I still wanted.
katie this is exactly what i need to do!! my room is terrible i really need to sort everything out and it being messy really pisses me off i hate mess
going to a car boot sale on sunday morning with my mates mam and my mate. should be good, have got loads of shit that needs sorting out
I used to hoard loads a stuff!! Especially clothes, but I literally ran out of space so I stuck it all on ebay and made loads!!! Ive still got loads a old videos and cds but they are boxed up. Hate just throwing stuff out. Id rather sell it or just give it to charity