your a girl though, you could almost get away with it, im guessing by the sounds of this bloke orbit would have to be running very fast to get away with it!!!
having said that about halfway thru haliwell's set sum charver walked into me as we were standing next to the stairs next to the bar and he fell over, he was more than apologetic to me which was well surprising
alot of em r just normal down to earth kids, there are alot of dickheads, who r always up 4 trouble without any cause, they're just insecure...I feel sorry for em really
most of them are they jus hav shit taste in clothes an a speech impediment... i was gettin fuct off with random wankers comin over an tryin to pull my m8s ffs what th fuck posseses these meatheads to try an pull in promise? hello! its not fuckin baja.. jesus its even worse wen these tossers try to follow u home and wont fo.