yeah but thats the point i dont want to do any of the options i got given i dont want to go off the rails either :spangled: your just wierd
swap em when you start next year... or drop out and work at the malmaison? - its what the cool kids do off the rails was a larf - i passed uni didnt i?
swap them to wot tho? i got a choice of 4 modules in the 1st semester and 4 in the 2nd. and none of them really interested me plus not gonna swap over coz will hav work and b put into groups and stuff when first start. yeah u did, god knows how :spangled: im not gonna b like u were tho next yr.
i duno :spangled: u cud swap in the 1st week or sumthing if the modules gash.. pah... my work was top notch
i've always wanted to be a primary school teacher and went to uni to do that and thats what i'm doin now and its the best job ever!! s'pose im sooo lucky really having a career i've always wanted and that i love xxxx
ooo that was rachel btw....!! suprisingly enough !! aw claire bless u...tis canny shit all that...will chat to ya bout it on msn next time we're both online!! xxxx
lol thought mik was after a career change there for a min yeah will talk to u when we next c each other rach :groovy:
Sounds boring, but accounts For sum reason Iv always enjoyed the account jobs Ive done more than wot used to interest me, so wanna take it further
it doesnt matter if it sounds boring as long as u interested in it. ive got still got some books, i think from when i did it if u want them?? i wont wanna use them again :spangled:
aye defo they just cluttering up my room along with everything else. me and fran were talkin at the wkend and said we should go for a meal one nite, get all the girlies to go, just on a weeknite sometime if u fancy it and get all rest along???
Cheers Chick, I'l just have to clutter my room now Im up for that When do you think you'l b planning for?!?! Sorry bout the 16th as well im a pain
i dont mind when, can just do one week nite coz will b cheap and ppl tend to b available. pm me when u fee and stuff and ask when them lot r all free and il check with everyone else. any day prob apart from a fri and mon lol its fine, i know u r :angel2:
Lmao, no1's free these days we all just busy people Anynite during the week then?? I was gonna say not monday or friday as well
im only 19 n still kinda unsure, always wanted 2 b, interior designer, architecht or fashion designer, accepted to uni for 4 yr fashion design course in sept, after that i'll have another think
roughly translated to.... I've always wanted to come out of the closet - but I'm still a bit unsure. dude you're fucking gay
ive seen your pics nah im straight, wud prefer to persue a football career but at 19 its hard to b "snapped up" and, but im gud at art related subjects so i chose this route instead good photographer aswell
the wife took that consumtion of alcohol, few frolics, begin bein an arse with the camera, hey presto. she liked that pic