Yeh but my mum lent me 75 for my new jeans on top of the 65 i still owed her and i get 70quid on friday from work
I CANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how many times have we been over this
nah was thinking about it but tbh nu nrg are all id want to see and doubt they'll play more than an hour, cudnt be arsed with the rest of it, and eddie was balls last promise.
acually it was wank, i heard the second and everyone said the first was better so i had a listen, it was cacka lol last promise was terrible tho he started with sum half decent techno, then dropped hard trance and bounced from one thing to another
Nu Nrg only do 30 minute sets when they're live. I think the set times are as followed; Shan: 9-10 Montana: 10-11.30 Mark Norman: 11.30-1 Nu Nrg Live: 1-1.30 Eddie Halliwell: 1.30-3
Not a clue Claire, I've seen things said 3/3.30 and 4 ... It says 3am on the GG site, but I'll try get some info off Barry.