'However, for those who have applied for and received the appropriate Bonsai Kitticulture permits from the U.S. government' 'Waste Removal. Left to its own devices, the kitten would quickly fill its vessel with its own urine and feces, leading to certain sickness and death, not to mention the inevitably unpleasant appearance and odor. The best solution is to seal the kitten's anus with Super Glue prior to insertion' My favourite bits
well I wouldnt say I have been the only dunce craig B if its got the FBI looking into it http://www.theregister.co.uk/2001/02/10/fbi_goes_bonsai_kitten_hunting/
It's not real mate. Whole thing is a prank, I kick off if someone stamps on a spider never mind sticks a kitten in a glass jar!
crazy eh? it seems to have fooled a lot more thickos than just me though eh? was an e mail going round getting people to petition against it that I got..!!