more fool you, fool Morillo was amazing and was a truly excellent night out you wouldn't go see a DJ cos more than 3 other ppl have heard of him so he's not underground anymore
There's nothing odd about paying a bit more money to go to an event thats a bit different to the normal
I think basically what the problem is - is that most of the board would defo pay 15/20 quid for the monthly promise event if tiesto/armin/pvd were doin a fairly long set - but the bi-monthly charvas/average clubbers would not bother. 2b honest tho - with the line up for sept (picotto/halliwell etc.) i'm more than happy. Techno djs surely don't cost as much as these guys so more of these would be nice - then again theres the problem of a techno dj filling the club (think a lot of the board would prob stay away too!)
Picotto and Haliwell will undoubtedly fill the club but doubt they're cheap. It's all about supply and demand. DJs who can fill a club (though not the best ones) earn the most money. Same in any business
well they may be the best or worst djs (again debatable) but yeh - its all about filling a club at the end of the day within a budget that will at least cover the costs of the night and hopefully make a fairly good return/profit. Just wish there was (or even may be) a strong techno following in the area, and the club would make money due to the low wage demands from the majority
Seems to me like we're fighting a losing battle... all the big name crowd pullers are off making heaps of cash at bloated mega clubs - and people dont turn up en-masse unless they see a crowd puller on a bill board. Sad but true, the true fans on this board are hardly enough to fill a few tables in a corner somewhere - its the billy bunters that bring in the dough at the end of the day.... Only time will tell.
People on the board actually go. Have you ever noticed when you get to the club the prices are different. Always says its a special night which just happens to be nearly every week. I don't mind paying a bit extra to get in a club, the main expenses in a night out are drinks and taxis anyway
To be honest, I've never noticed. It always seems to be £9 NUS/£10 others. I know Quality was more but that was to be expected.