Have you seen Appleseed, Dominion Tank Police, Dirty Pair Flash or owt like that? Absolutely class action movies/series Macross is mental btw
Think ive seen Appleseed but not the others. Another film i like is Laputa,cant explain why though,saw it when i was a kid and always liked it
No its about a city in the sky.I have heard of Lupin but dont know much about it. I've got Ghost in the shell 2,which looks like it has some stunning animation,but have,nt had time to watch it yet .Thats the next anime ill be watching
Nah - haven't seen it - only one with a city in the sky I can think of is Battle Angel Alita. Ghost in the Shell 2? Crikey - didnae know there was one! Been watching stand alone complex - is mint
Its been out in Japan for a couple of months,so ive only got a subtitled version. Dunno when an english version is comin out:spangled: Its full name is ghost in the shell 2 innocence. There is a second series of stand alone complex too but ive only seen 1 episode of it,think its meant to be very good like.
Will hunt for it in 4 days and 43 minutes when Ranma 1/2 has finished downloading Cheers for that! Haven't seen the second series of S.A.C. yet, will look out for that too. Last actioney-type series I've been watching is Cowboy Be-bop: crap name but fantastic anime
shrek 1 was much funnier.... donkey saves the day in the second though... i had a few tapes of the old dominion tank police ones... forgot about them... first half dozens episodes i think... never got further than that.... typical of my attitude a techer once wrote in one of my school reports.... the cocksmith.
'Spirited Away' is one of my favourites films, saw it at the flicks and was totally hooked. Not anime but also caught 'Oldboy' at the Tyneside which was everything you'd expect squid, sex and a skewy plot.