we'll see :wink:
the majority of our players are not fit to clean MY boots! still....downward first.........THEN...........ONWARD AND UPWARD
oh, i thought you were mocking my in depth, from the heart statement. :lol: at the match yesterday we were singing : "12...
not even plastic fans chris mate....just nobs who know fuck all. As for quinny, i think he will come in and steady the ship. If the money is...
not touchy!! just annoying pricks who ain't got nothing decent or constructive to say as for the two seasons thing :( :lol: thats gonna take...
Re: Re: Re: The May "no drinking" challenge GO ON SON
Re: The May "no drinking" challenge Good luck to you chris :up: but purvy :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: if purvy goes all month...
HONESTLY.....SHIT.....I DON'T THINK ANY OF US REALISED :( :( Now go and boil your head! fucking donut
i'm chuffing toppa today
lucky for him he wasn't talking about me then :lol: or else i would have no choice other to open a can of WHOOP ASS!! ....and for the record...
:confused: you've lost me now......goth :p
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :king:
about ginger ppl, not direct at me! funny as fuck still tho! i'd never heard those ginger jokes tho, at least he was original
Gonna give this a listen :up:
i had a mint night :up: couldn't stop laughing!
next sat babe
Re: Tuneage for sale 100% C H A V T A S T I C
:lol: fuck you :)
lambert & butler Carling
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