The brushing teeth thing? Both as far as I know. It's in case your gums bleed when you brush them, so leaving an open wound, which you don't...
Is this not common knowledge? Did you know that you also shouldn't brush your teeth before giving oral sex? Or share toothbrushes or razors?
Isn't there a difference between malnourishment and malnutrition? I thought malnourishment is not eating enough, while malnutrition is not...
Have you tried people like PetPlan?
My mum's dog was on steroids for years due to skin problems. She didn't change in size or temprament. They are not completely without other side...
Isn't the blindness related to diabetes?
My pushchair being stolen when we were at the beach. I was about two. :cry:
Friday night - poss to the in-laws for dinner Saturday - start flat hunting Saturday night - friends' housewarming Sunday - recovering
Most people do. I'm the only person I know that hates it.
Happy Birthday! I hope all is good with you. x
:lol: Sasha didn't play trance at Promise, he played prog! Perhaps you've forgotten that Promise was effectively a prog club before it turned to...
I did that. :redface:
Yup. It's one of those clubs where you keep going up/down staircases and find other rooms you didn't know were there!
Zulu Bridge on the River Kwai Sea Wolves The Great Escape
Had people round to dinner on Friday, got rather pissed so had a lazy Saturday. More people round to dinner on Saturday, went to a club...
Next time tax your car for six months, then do it yearly again after that. Will split your tax and MOT by six months so it's not quite so hideous.
Anyone can have any bit of me they want after I die. I'm probably going to donate my body to medical science anyway. It's not like I'm going to...
I moved to London at the end of April.
Bit of a long way to go for a night out these days! Went a few times when I was in Newcastle. Not really my thing to be honest, but good fun...
Does that make you one too? :wink:
Separate names with a comma.