Here's hoping Rich has a few Guerilla flavour classics too. Get me all tingly in an old skool Renaissance styleee.
How about a little closer to the time you e-mail everyone who wants a name tag so you don't have to make millions which don't get used? Think...
It all depends what time Basics wraps up, probably Thursday if I head on to one to the after party, then Yos is back on at Fudge. I'm gonna be...
you'll all cream your kegs when Timo Maas plays (March I think)...:eek:
Rampling was mint at Shindig, plus it was pretty busy. The amount of muppets wandering the streets in T-shirts at half four in the morning...
Leaving the city for once, Lottie and Yousef at Basics in Leeds - oh my god!
best set? Matt Hardwick best dj? Mauro Picotto best dj debut? James Zabeila best resident? Lee Roberts fave track of the year? That mental...
Recently got Jaime Principle - Your Love Proper old school original mintness and sounds wicked on me orange!
twas a full scale mint night! Sasha and Diggers on top form at around about 7 in the evening! Liam Howlett kicking turntable arse and erm......
Mint :eek: Rich, I'll give you a bell on Monday - probably about 6am :p
Urgent Appeal - Sasha & Digweed :( Been on a mission since the beginning of time to aquire Sasha and Digweed's Rennaissance Vol 1 triple mix CD...
Final Call To Quiz The DJ's Get the last of your questions in here for Corvin Dalek, John Kelly and Matt Hardwick...
selected other, was torn between Basics and Shindig on the whole this year
Personally, I think the mixture is better - it's good to experiment and try different things
Separate names with a comma.