:rolleyes: :p
ROFL!! That was feckin class that like. Every two mins aswell he'd sit up and announce to the room he was goin to Scotland! :lol:...
Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Could u have had me sitting sayin curly wurly anymore!! :o felt like such an idiot lol ahh well its all in the name of fun :p
raaaaaaaaaa what a night!!!! Me, xxsparkledxx and madchris are all in the process of gettin ready to hit inside out to see tiesto.... Our...
We're here now! Woo hoo thats us in Newcastle now, canny wait for tonite!!!! :D just sittin in my bro's office just now waiting to go to his...
Im well excited now gotta be in glasgow for 9am to get my train down raaaaaaa John have a good time in Wales babe! I'll speak to you about it...
its not £36.50 plus bookin fee it was £30 the other day but they put the price up after the 31st. There will no doubt be buses running from...
Broony can u no come up for coloursfest babe?
37% slutty :)
oi clarky i'll mupet ya boy!!! We're gettin into newc at 12.30 YAY! Then its off to the shops to drag spud and allie round em...sorry boys hee...
my oh my someones been a busy bee spud :D
awww she's well cute :)
craig u can have some of mine i got 5 nephews and 4 neices :)
1. What is your nickname? Clairey 2. What colour pants/skirt are you wearing right now Black 3. What are you listening to right now?...
Having my friends and family close to me, being happy and also my health are important to me.
Glad to hear your well :D G'nite xx
ello there :) How is yourself doin? Im fine but tired so am about to head off to my bed
i got 170
Well i firstly heard all about it off Geordie Lee who kept telling me about the club and also to join the message board. I didn't want to at...
Separate names with a comma.