hmmmm makes me think i should have foned up and complained about the train back to glasgow after yoji then :( Fair enough i only waited 2 1/2...
Player Bio: Claire Gillespie :: Women's Volleyball ... Claire Gillespie. Class: Freshman. Hometown: Manhattan Beach, CA. High School: Mira Costa...
yeah its been down i've not been able to get on the board either
only one i've been to is the yoji night, if i could afford to i'd be down a hell of a lot more! :D
Ahhhh i love lollys when im out, pity they are taken off me at the arches when i go so i can't do it there :( I did do it when i was down at...
nah it felt like a friday for me coz i was stuck in work all day :( plus its been lovely weather and i've missed most of it *sob sob*
Ahh i was ordered to come down to promise by allie and spud...well glad i did!! yeah u did meet me mate :) hopefully see ya again soon!
Well seein as i've only been to promise once and that was for yoji so i cant really compare but i had an excellent night, was more pished that...
Been in many a fight when i was younger mainy with boys :redface: but i've not had a fight in yrs thank god. Im not one for fighting i prefer to...
if tiesto was to play promise i for sure would be down there! Wither my leg be hanging off, what a night that would be, lets hope that happens...
hola :)
fingers crossed :D
nah it doesn't seem to be working that way for me, it will need to be a train coz im working on the friday so i have to just leave straight from...
I really wanna go but unless the train prices drop dramatically then its a no go for me :(
20, 21 later in the yr
spose the way they might look at it is you are being honest with them and not goin behind your back so they will respect you more for being brave...
i know for a fact they would boot me out, whenever there is anything about drugs on tv they sit saying how disgusting it is and how stupid folk...
If my parents were to know anything about what i get up to id be booted out the house for sure, they would go totally crazy!!!! :(
If im not out i usually sit on the net, lie in bed and watch some tv or vids, sit in with some mates and have a carry out, listen to some tunes or...
im gettin ready to go out the now, but feel free to add me anyone and shall chat to u when im on tomorro or something :)...
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