theres a lad at work pays about £20 for his hair, looks to me likes hes been asleep while doing sum headstands, but aperntly its "trendy" i...
human beatbox i was impressed! ive heard theres people far better then this bloke tho?? :o
never been to quality yet, so im not voteing:p
seen this done numerous times, theres a pirate radio station from down south who use this method when they goto car cruises (this was a long way...
Re: Windfall you can still get fresh jap imports of the older cars, they dont salt the roads over there you wont find a rusty one if you...
never had any problems with bt broadband here either with any of the pc`s on the home network and the playstation 2`s network adapter
i thought they would just be crap headfones with a badge stuck on, but i did sum googleing and found sum good reviews, id rather here it from...
was hoping you lot would have all given up by now so i could get it at full speed :lol: 28 hours and counting lol
MOS headphones any experiances? good or bad? i was looking at the 1002`s ive also been looking at the sienz sd25 which have had good reviews...
dont care, i always thought that kerry bird was fit, after seeing the odd episode she really fucken iritates me :o
thats scarey, im actualy listening to your promise dj one now lol if its as good as the last one then its a winner in my book, but alas its not...
lol :lol: have i got to leave it in 1st gear or sumthing :p
:lol: class agreed ;) personaly, i like tiesto, but i havnet heard any recent mixes from him for a long time so he could be playing...
do you use any dressing? heres mine last summer, ive scince replaced most of the nuts and bolts with shiney stainless ones and im busy...
from there site ASROCK K7S8X ASRock U-COP FSB 333MHz Price: £28.20 Including VAT at 17.5% AMD XP 2800 (2.083GHZ) BOXED BOXED...
it looks like they are wanting £100 just for the xp2800 chip this only started because i cant get that fucken new graphics card to work in my...
cheers bit tempting when i know i could go over there now, and probably buy the stuff striaght away from the shelves :o
slight mistake Asrock K7S8X Motherboard FSB 333MHz DDR400/333/266, Max. 3GB DDR266 memory 1 x AGP 8X/4X 1.5Volt 6 PCI slots,...
including the heatsink and cooler?
LMAO loads of the stuff floating around this way £2.50 for the 100mg tablets or the jelly stuff or i can get 100 tablets from work for...
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