ha, id be lucky, every1 is going out n leaving me tonight :( ive been ran around after since thursday night at my brothers though, even though i...
yeah right, i cant even bend over or anything....so cant pick stuff up, or do any rapid movements...so cleaning is a no-no for me at the mo im...
ill try, im just sitting about feeling sorry for myself at the mo, and doping myself up on more n more pain killers....im sure they are making me...
still got my benylin though :D and it does the trick, apart from my ribs still hurt, but im not coughing as much now. necked a whole bottle in a...
i know, how funny is that....broken ribs from coughing!!! :lol: :lol: i nearly shit myself when he told me...i was like "broken ribs...are u...
well, i went to the docs on thursday, thinking i was just guna get told id pulled a muscle and be given some pain killers n sent away, but it...
it was even worse when i got back in too :( going to the docs soon tho, just guna cry n see what drugs she'll give me :D
its total agony, pain killers will work for the short term, but im guna need an op on my jaw eventually coz the carlidge has moved, and causes the...
:lol: :lol: :lol:
i even had rachel up all night coughing....felt so guilty coz she had to get up n go to work at 7...n she mustnt have got much sleep since i got...
ive got weak muscles all down that side of my body coz of 2 injuries to my jaw n cocxix (sp?) a few years ago, n i was going for pysio n stuff for...
im going to the docs in about 10 mins to beg for some vallium, or something stronger than ibuprofen, i can barley move my right hand side of my...
thats what drinking vodka through your eye socket does to you though jon!
lol...and u cant even use the 'im blonde' excuse now!! thats why i wont dye my hair dark, coz then people will suss its not coz im blonde, its...
had a good night, even though i was totally ill when i first went out, but the more pissed i got, the less pain i felt :) feeling it this...
im sure shed find it amusing too :lol: :lol:
i can remember the dream i was having when i said it too....and she was!!!!
i apparently said to carrie when i was aslepp one night 'at the minute, all i can think about is you pushing smoked salmon through a carrier bag...
i would find you being hit by anyones leg, or just anything in general hillarious!!
he was a bit of a radgie...i used to seeing him many moons ago..
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