Thats the first time Ive heard that before :lol:
I didnt think people from Stockton admitted they were from there these days :p
ahh well just follow the steps i posted then lol
lozza try clicking this link it should get you to you avatar options, i think
I wouldnt use the word sane but I know what you mean :lol:
Ah thats ok then, yeah I used to be a mod on there but I left around a month ago now
I did I take it you know me?
Its a thing of everyday life now I take pride in my looks to make me feel comfortable when im out, if it pulls ladies then thats a bonus.
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Welcome to the board dont mind the other lads they just havent had it for a long time :lol:
Nothing wrong with taking pride in your apperance fella
I know what you were saying I was just trying to twist it a little but you never played along very well :lol:
Because I take pride in my appearance im ghay, well im sorry to dissapoint
Oi that wasnt even a joke lol
What gave you the idea I might be gay?
Are you hitting on me? :lol:
Ive got plenty of hair, if I grow mine for long enough I could sport an afro :lol:
That one
What do you think the answer to that would be?
Mate you have no idea :lol:
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