Can I smell a whiff of jealousy?
He had to run just after the photo was taken, the owner came out! :p
I will speak to Clare and find out what is best, she won't mind coming to Whitley Bay to get them tho.
Ruth, it should pop up a new window when you click the show picture button!
It is miles away but it isn't a problem, she will be more than happy to come and get them! I will let her know u have them and will send u a PM...
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you,...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Introduce yourselves! After the speed check thread i wud say its more likely that it was bcos ur thick! :dunce: :p :love:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Introduce yourselves! u played truant and still got good grades? What kind of half arsed skiver are you? I never went and...
Click the "View Picture" button on the right of the screen!
Was this the night you took about 300 photos?
Re: Re: Introduce yourselves! Nearly as good as mine! :dunce:
Are you Lee? :dunce: :p
Anyway, the proof we don't look alike!
Fuck u.....even i'm not that ugly! :lol:
So Lee, who would you prefer to be there, Me and Clare or Spud? The choice is urs! :p
haha, don't worry about us being there mate, there is a chance we couldn't make it regardless of the night but we will try our best.
We go away on the Thursday of that week so Tuesday and Wednesday are okay. Tuesday is the best tho. :D
Separate names with a comma.