Nukleuz is a lable I like!!!!:cool:
Cannot believe 69 isnt up here but its gotta be mine:D :angel:
Believe me m8 the board makes for a happier place when u balance out moderating, warring messages and banning infect it making it less harsh (or...
Corvin is on the radio tonight Just heard on Radio 1 that he is gonna be on tonight dont know what time though will check it out!!!!;)
It is the responsibility of the moderator on each board to control the users. If a post is uncalled fore then they should remove it and if it...
Sure m8 ill PM u soon!!!
Ill pm u later m8 I have got to get ready to go out!!! I dont know if Im going to see Corvin yet but ill talk to ya later about it!!!
Sorry had 2!!! Hope your having a good BIRTHDAY!!!!
sure m8 I'll send it to as many peeps as I have credit too including u!!! dont know quite how i will get it off ya though:confused:
Avatar look-a-like does this remind anyone of someones avatar, not that I want to associate the person with a dumb blond or anything!!!!:D...
What I need is to borrow someones old 3210 I think unless someone knows another way :confused:. Ill have a look around the net too:)
The talent has arrived and Im not to bad at creating Nokia logos too (what a dick I am!!!:D) anyway I created the logo u wanted and put it on my...
Haven’t had any problems big with ebay and i deal with people from other countries such as the US. Had a few hiccups but nothing that cannot be...
Explain m8 I don’t understand:(
Who is shit???
I need more album suggestions I dont care if they are old ill probz be able to download them!!!
might just do that tell me nearer the time rozza if thats ok!!!:)
Tunes have got a bit Sh%t since i posted this typical isnt it :( If he is gonna be that good bring him on:) ;)
Radio 1 NOW!!! Is anyone listening to radio 1 now coz there is some canny class tunes on!!!:)
I have already got it and its better then I thought it would be by far!!!;) towards the end of the second CD it starts to get really good!!!...
Separate names with a comma.