Zenden vs Newcastle
Off to Leeds in bout 10 mins to do some shopping
Have to agree ur fate is in Man Utd's hands, and i do think it will be a slightly weakened team but not too much, prob 75% of the final team
Newcastle Fans Realistically how do you rate your chance of joining the Boro in Europe next season
Nah thats not the prob, its the burning onto cd i cant b arsed doing. It will be 13/14 cds
Tuff u'll av to wait till next week for the girly action Got Shaun of the Dead tho :D
Unlucky hun Ive got a presentation to do in bout 10 mins n then im goin for a pint
Lmao u think im staying here for another 2 hrs + ;)
Gonna stick each episode onto a cd. My comp couldnt hold the whole thing at the min any way
Mines got bout 2 hrs left, the joy of a 10mbit conection :D
Guess u dont wanna borrow The L Word complete series then? ;)
Re: small white guy :lol: :lol:
:screw: :screw: :screw:
Re: Re: europe Its all about the money now. They have changed the UEFA Cup format now to include a group stage so it means that teams get a...
:up: Also Walking on clouds A Tear in the Open Sweet Mysery Just Be is the worst on there, the vocals are wrong
Even better when its a foreign special and u can watch yanks get bounced of walls
Yeah thats the best thing to do. Any chance of a sticky? So people can post new ones if they are found
No thats on the second "bonus" cd
Euro 2004 Fantasy Football Since the premiership one was quite popular, how does everybody think about doing one for Euro 2004? Found two at...
Nah not yet been too busy, but will have a check over the weekend. Tom - B&S were good Boy with.. era, aint heard anything of them for a while...
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