VERY WELL DONE! any1 else fancy a go?
Thats ok then....guess your just a man with expensive taste!
Next one.......classic kids film!
LOL, wounder who told u that one.....but your correct! Your turn...
close....but no cigar :chill: its a very popular advertising slogan for cheese.....
LOL, i aint been fortunate enough to see that one...
nope....remind me where that advertising slogan came from again.....
ne luck....ive started an online pictionary thread which will hopefully keep u entertained for a while....
Pictionary Im i thought i would get something for you all to get your minds goin...guess the famous advertising phrase from the...
well it is promise....but im sure it could be no comparison to a guy who can get 7 banana's up hiss ass! :p
get back to nature....just get a twig and a bit of string and find a few worms!! :p aint kerry down there with ya? sure she could keep u...
thats a handy tip... :) ...will have to remember that one! you would be suprised how many armed rades and things happen over here....
free fishing i found this for ya.... "Yorkshire bank in Yarm free fishing . Leven joins just below Yarm. Trout and coarse fish. Middlesbrough...
ah well, not as exciting as i had first anticipated :( but still....another one to tell the grandkids!
sounds like there could be an interesting story behind that one.....
well if it makes you feel any better neither did i, but i dont think i know her...
i think it was open invitation mate....there were many posts up!
i was thinkin more along the lines of just randoms...
will do lee.....just for u mate !
thats better....i must have popped to the WC b4 or summit
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