1. The Matrix (Got to be coz im nothing but a big geek!!! My others are a bit more respectable) 2. Train spotting 3. Schindler's List 4. The...
Sold to the lad in the red jacket!!!;) :spangled: :D :king:
Will buy it off ya today for 300 and I'll even throw in a pair of soundlab slipmats!!!:D :p ;)
Re: Re: DJ Video niceone rob will check it out now!!!
just a few genral clips of djing stuff that i could use!!! The site is on mixin how to's so anything is sutable!!!
DJ Video Does anyone know a good place to get a DJ mpeg video i could include on my website for uni???
So am I coz if you ask anyone that does know me then youll find i dont take shit from anyone!!! People like us dont tend to get on to well :( :D ;)
Thats where me and my m8s whent it was class and i went on for eva!!! Those huge rockets they had must have shaken the whole of Gateshead WKD!!!:)...
mmm maybe but I did mention it twice before you noticed so it just might be that your not the most observant of peeps!!! (Just a thought) :D :p
No they gave me some extra soundlab slipmats on top of the ones you usually get with new technics!!! so im sorted for slipmats just wondered if...
Ill tell ya one thing these soundlab slipmats are shit!!!:p
No as in i got technics slipmats with them aswell so why the fuck would i use them or want to use them when i have a very nice pair of technices...
Sound Lab Slipmats... I just got my new Technics decks last week and they came with Sound Lab slipmats!!! :spangled: I mean WTF am I gonna do...
CPU speed is a major factor in successful burning hence most CDR/CDRW drives list a system specification, which includes a suitable processor...
Re: Heh.... I agree redhat makes a nice server!!! Was saying i would rather have a dedicated machine for my unix stuff!!! Rather then use...
Re: Heh What do ya mean by this???
Re: UNIX FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and PicoBSD all free:( Would rather a Sun Ultra Sparc 5 Unix Workstation. Infact i might get one!!!
Re: Heh probs quite expansive tho!!!:( wouldnt mind a Unix machine Winlinux is its own OS but it just has a lot of plug and play...
Yer would recommend the same as above!!!
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