Tattoos Ive only got the one tattoo but fancy another one... The pain only lasts for a few mins then wears off n u just sorta get used to it!...
U'd be happy for a while then the novelty would wear off eventually wudnt it ? x
saucy !!! he he
Unfortunately im at work aaaalllllllll wknd !!!!! :( Totally gutted......but i hope u all hav a crackin nite at Promise ! :D It'll be amazing...
Never smoked either n dont suppose i ever will. Really pleased ill never hav the problem of having to quit x
ha ha ! Was gud to meet u too x
1. My nose 2. I'd be a couple of inches taller but not many ! 3. I wudnt be soooo like Monica from friends !! he he !!! :lol: :lol:
BOSH pics Hey everyone.... The pics from Bosh are on the site anyone wantin to check them out....log onto.....
Re: Re: "Trance Classics" I agree x
Here here..... I'd just giv up now if i were you wally woteva ur name is .....:lol:
A big welcome to you from myself n Jam'e'tron
Im not goin to mine....its too expensive! I really dont mind payin a fair amount for a good nite out but £30 for a 2 course meal and disco....! No...
Re: Margaret Hassan shot dead Still no way to end a life sad......RIP x
J.....please dont buy it for me :lol: , its terrible ! At least the first time actually sounded like the artists really felt...
Happy birthday from J and I !
November the first is a bit early....but if people are happy gettin into the spirit of things that early....then let them be i supppose !...
Very....very bad ! :wink:
This is why im chuffed that im guaranteed a job at the end of my degree....i think its only fair after all the hard work u put in ! It shud be the...
Plain weird !!! :spangled: :sick:
Ive been guilty of attending a couple of shindigs, only enjoyed myself once ! Dont really like it at all....and much prefer promise !
Separate names with a comma.