Shrek 2!!!! Has anyone seen it?...didn't think it'd be any good but it's a right laugh!
are club nights dying?! With tidy weekenders 3 times a year and the BIG summer events coming up like global etc...have club nights died?...
...have a crunchie then off to promise...fantastic!!!... gotta be a friday...sets you up for the weekend!..
Re: Re: anyone wanna go to summer camp?! yeah you go there and STOMP off any excess weight...:lol:
Re: Re: Re: Re: anyone wanna go to summer camp?! £ train tickets too...£ you can have them at a discount price of say £150 each
Re: Re: anyone wanna go to summer camp?! no im just stoned...2 free spaces..ha ha!
anyone wanna go to summer camp?! unfortunatly 2 people have had to drop out of the booking so i got 2 free rooms!! anyone wanna go?
you should be happy with uberdruck @ promise!!..should be a top night!:o
Promise or Quality?! now quality has been goin' for a while do you think it is as good..or better than promise??.. hmmmmmm....
Re: This is our Valentine QUALITY line up cool..BANGIN' tunes a whole lotta valentines day love..and a big messy party to boot..i cant...
Quality tune!!..and he was tremendous new years day..GEEZER!!
i was goin'..till i woke up this mornin'..ill with flu!!:( there anything good about winter?!..i couldn't think of anything either!!..will be...
lisa pin-up!!..its a night not to be missed..and mark maitland too..BOSH!!:o :spangled:
hello and welcome!!:D
yeah i suppose an with my luck i'd get a transplant and it'd be george bests..bloody NHS!!..:lol: ..see you there in feb!!:chill:
detox is for wimps!!..bring on foundation nightly!!:lol:
they should send kilroy and greg fucking rudeski or what ever the french cnts name is over to iraq on foot patrol!!:lol:
lets just hang him!! him a favour!..:lol:
it's sounding better!!:lol: :lol: :lol:
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